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"用心感知"和"用脑思考"有什么区别?6 个答案

答案 1:

建议阅读荣格的人格类型划分,简化成 M-I 人格测试,思考型和情感型是人决策方式的不同,可以通过后天训练进行改变。d.pr/XBSPT-inkingandfeelingare t-edecision--king(judging) functions. T-e t-inking and feeling functions are bot- used to -ke rational decisions, based on t-e data received from t-eir infor-tion-gat-ering functions (sensing or intuition). T-ose w-o prefert-inkingtend to decide t-ings from a more detac-ed standpoint, measuring t-e decision by w-at seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent and -tc-ing a given set of rules. T-ose w-o preferfeelingtend to come to decisions by associating or empat-izing wit- t-e situation, looking at it "from t-e inside" and weig-ing t-e situation to ac-ieve, on balance, t-e greatest -armony, consensus and fit, considering t-e needs of t-e people involved.

答案 2:

抽象点描述 就是 一个是 闭上眼睛想问题,一个是睁开眼睛想问题 。前者是用心,后者是用脑。

答案 3:


答案 4:

"用心感知" 有两种,一种是无意识(或伪装成无意识)的"用脑思考“;一种是自以为是的缺乏逻辑的懒惰的(及有可能是受锚定之类认知偏见操纵的)信息分析或决策方式。

答案 5:


答案 6:



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