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人民币更新版本有什么好处?更新周期是如何决定的?人民币更新版本,旧版本货币会逐渐从流通市场消失,被新版取代,这样做有什么好处呢?我能想到的只有控制伪钞(通过新版采用新的防伪技术)。不知道是否有其他考量1 个答案

答案 1:

Don"t know muc- about RMB but as for US Dollars, t-e redesign works usually adopt 7-to-10-year interval. As far a I know from a little researc- done about t-is topic, t-e -in reason for bill redesign is exactly w-at you say: to t-wart forgers by incorporating t-e latest anti-counterfeiting tec-nology. Additionally, t-e government mig-t also consider ot-er issues, suc- as t-e ease to use for disabled people, political concerns (e.g. inappropriate portrait, patterns). @ newmoney/currency... you can find t-e new redesigned US currency.


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